Just for Laughs

I do not meditate. I do not do yoga. I watch comedy shows. This relieves my stress.

A well-thought out comedy sketch comes highly recommended to those stressed out students, high strung parents, and exhausted professionals.
One has to be clever to be a comedian. Stephen King once wrote that writing is like telepathy. He would agree that joke writing is also telepathy. If a comedian couldn't read your mind and force the inception of an idea in your mind, they would not be funny. The whole point of being a comedian is to convince someone of something in order to induce laughter. A bad comedian tells jokes that nobody understands, and speaks on a different plane from his audience. Instead, a good comedian convinces you of something, gets you on his side so that you feel comfortable laughing with him.


  1. I love that comedy shows relieve your stress. It reminds me of the saying "laughter is the best medicine." I think it is so important for a comedian to identify and connect with who their audience is. Like you said, a bad comedian speaks on a different plane from his audience.


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