Sympathy for the Founding Fathers (Rant on Taxes)*
“Death, taxes and childbirth! There's never any convenient time for any of them.” -Gone with the Wind I felt as though I was finally becoming an adult. I was filing my taxes as an independent with my husband. It was a first for the both of us. We thought, as poor college students with a mortgage, we would be eligible for a small return or at least break even. We were wrong. As soon as our tax accountant crunched the number we still owed in taxes, I was doing the math in my head. We are already living on a strict budget. We have a big trip to Italy planned for this year. This big number would be a speed bump for sure. I felt pretty angry to be honest. This felt like a punishment, and I did not understand why we deserved it. How could the US government demand more from university students? In my mind, I saw every unfair thing that had happened to us since getting married. I know life is unfair as is, but I felt that those that should be fair--namely the executive branch of t...