If You Don't Have Time to Read, You Don't Have the Time OR THE TOOLS to Write (After the Research . . . )
I've added an important extension to Stephen King's quote. It is officially the tried and true quote. My research paper was about YouTube. I titled it "YouTube: The New Media for News Media" and grew very fond of it. I showed it to as many people as I could and I am sure I will continue to show it to more people. I loved this paper because it had a purpose: I wanted to publish it. Even now that I've turned it in, I know it is not my final draft because I still want to publish it. My passion for journalism motivated me to write the paper, but my determination to contribute to the field in some way became my discipline. This is way I am a volunteer research assistant to a journalism professor on campus. I don't have to be. I certainly don't have the time to be. But I'd like to make a contribution to this cause that I love so dearly. Refworks was a huge help. Never have I been so organized before. It was also divine that I learned about it weeks before...